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浙江大学学报(工学版)  2020, Vol. 54 Issue (10): 1867-1873    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2020.10.001
1. 浙江华云信息科技有限公司,浙江 杭州 310052
2. 浙江大学 信息与电子工程学院,浙江 杭州 310058
Energy saving and channel access algorithm of unlicensed D2D networks in power Internet of things
Chen SUN1(),Zhe-yi WU2(),Jian-tao YUAN2
1. Zhejiang Huayun Information Technology Limited Company, Hangzhou 310052, China
2. School of Information and Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China
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针对免许可频段的终端到终端(D2D)通信的功耗问题,进行功率和频谱的联合分配,以寻找使系统终端功耗最小的资源分配方式. 在免许可频段为D2D提出信道接入协议,该协议在许可信道的协助下确定D2D终端可使用的免许可信道及对应信道可使用的时隙资源. 建立以最小化系统总功耗为目标的优化问题,考虑D2D用户对的数据速率和对基站(BS)产生的干扰的限制. 该问题被建模为凸优化问题,利用内点法求解. 通过数值仿真,对免许可频段的D2D通信(D2D-U)的工作情况进行验证,证明利用该算法能够得到最优的分配结果.

关键词: 免许可频段的终端到终端通信(D2D-U)信道接入机制资源分配系统功耗内点法    

Joint spectrum and power allocation was analyzed to find the allocation which minimizes the power consumption by considering the power consumption of terminals in unlicensed device-to-device (D2D) communication. A channel access protocol on unlicensed channels was proposed, which determines the unlicensed channels used by the D2D pairs and the time fraction used on the unlicensed channels with the assistance of the licensed channels. Then an optimization problem was raised, whose objective was to minimize the total transmission power of the system. The data rates of D2D pairs and interference to base station (BS) were considered. The optimization problem can be transformed to a convex one and solved by the interior point method. The effectiveness of unlicensed D2D (D2D-U) networks was verified by numerical simulation results. The optimal allocation can be obtained by the proposed algorithm.

Key words: unlicensed device-to-device communication (D2D-U)    channel access mechanism    resource allocation    power consumption    interior point method
收稿日期: 2020-01-17 出版日期: 2020-10-28
CLC:  TN 929  
作者简介: 孙晨(1968—),男,高级工程师,从事电力通信、电力物联网等研究.
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孙晨,吴哲奕,袁建涛. 电力物联网中节能的免许可D2D接入算法设计[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2020, 54(10): 1867-1873.

Chen SUN,Zhe-yi WU,Jian-tao YUAN. Energy saving and channel access algorithm of unlicensed D2D networks in power Internet of things. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2020, 54(10): 1867-1873.


图 1  电力物联网通信模型
图 2  免许可信道的传输周期
参数 数值
许可信道模型 $15+\mathrm{\alpha }{\mathrm{l}\mathrm{g} }\;d$$ \mathrm{\alpha }=3.5 $
免许可信道模型 $15+\mathrm{\alpha }{\mathrm{l}\mathrm{g} }\;d$$ \mathrm{\alpha }=5 $
免许可频段总传输功率 $P_{\rm T}^{({\rm{U}})}$ 23 dBm
噪声功率密度 $N_0^{({\rm{L}})}$$N_0^{({\rm{U}})}$ ?95 dBm/Hz
许可子信道带宽 ${B^{({\rm{L}})} }$ 20 MHz
免许可信道带宽 ${B^{({\rm{U}})} }$ 20 MHz
表 1  通信系统的仿真参数设置
图 3  不同算法的分配结果对比
图 4  同信道干扰限制对系统功耗的影响
图 5  不同传输速率要求下可用免许时隙资源对总功耗的影响
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