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浙江大学学报(工学版)  2019, Vol. 53 Issue (5): 872-879    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2019.05.007
中南大学 机电工程学院,湖南 长沙 410083
Design and hydrodynamic analysis of pectoral fin oscillation propulsion mechanism of bionic manta ray
Zhong YUN(),Meng WEN,Yi JIANG,Long CHEN,Long-fei FENG
College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China
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为了提高水下无人航行器推进系统效率,设计仿生蝠鲼胸鳍摆动推进机构及其摆动形式. 在研究蝠鲼胸鳍运动机理的基础上,设计摆动幅值与急回系数相互解耦的曲轴联合曲柄摆杆机构,以实现仿生胸鳍的特定摆动形式. 推导并建立仿生胸鳍的鳍面运动方程,利用数值仿真分析单侧胸鳍在该摆动形式下的水动力特性,根据设定的推进性能评价指标说明该摆动形式相对正弦摆动形式的优越性. 通过实验验证装置的前进、转向等运动性能,分析胸鳍摆动幅值、频率与运动速度的关系. 结果表明,在特定的摆动形式下,该仿生胸鳍摆动推进机构能够实现水下无人航行器的前进、转向等预定运动,满足基本推进要求.

关键词: 仿生蝠鲼胸鳍摆动推进数值仿真性能分析Fluent    

A bionic pectoral fin oscillation propulsion mechanism of manta ray and its swing mode were designed to improve the propulsive efficiency of unmanned undersea vehicle (UUV). A crankshaft joint crank rocker mechanism, which achieved mutual decoupling between swing amplitude and jerk factor, was designed to achieve the specific swing mode of the bionic pectoral fin, based on the study of the pectoral fin movement mechanism of manta rays. The motion equation of the bionic pectoral fin was derived and established, and the hydrodynamic performance of unilateral pectoral fin in the swing mode was analyzed by numerical simulation, and the superiority of this swing mode relative to the sine swing mode was verified according to the set propulsion performance evaluation index. The advancement and steering performance of the device was verified by the experiments, and the relationship between the amplitude and frequency of the pectoral fin swing as well as the speed of the device was analyzed. Experimental results showed that the bionic pectoral fin oscillation propulsion mechanism can realize the predetermined movement of UUV, such as advancement and steering, and meet the basic propulsion requirements.

Key words: bionic manta ray    pectoral fin oscillation propulsion    numerical simulation    performance analysis    Fluent
收稿日期: 2018-03-30 出版日期: 2019-05-17
CLC:  Q 35  
作者简介: 云忠(1971—),男,博导,从事水下无人推进系统研究. E-mail:
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云忠,温猛,蒋毅,陈龙,冯龙飞. 仿生蝠鲼胸鳍摆动推进机构设计与水动力分析[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2019, 53(5): 872-879.

Zhong YUN,Meng WEN,Yi JIANG,Long CHEN,Long-fei FENG. Design and hydrodynamic analysis of pectoral fin oscillation propulsion mechanism of bionic manta ray. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2019, 53(5): 872-879.


图 1  蝠鲼胸鳍运动概念图
图 2  蝠鲼体型比例尺寸
图 3  仿生蝠鲼胸鳍摆动推进机构简图
图 4  曲柄机构运动关系示意图
图 5  胸鳍翼展面运动序列
图 6  胸鳍摆动仿真所采用的计算域网格配置
图 7  胸鳍拍动时上表面不同时刻压力云图
图 8  水下运动时右侧胸鳍受力示意图
图 9  胸鳍摆动水动力仿真曲线
图 10  胸鳍水动力参数随摆动频率的变化曲线
图 11  仿生蝠鲼推进装置实验现场情况
图 12  理论输入转矩/功率与曲轴转速的关系
图 13  装置前进游动的运动序列
图 14  装置转向游动的运动序列
图 15  装置速度随胸鳍摆动频率变化曲线
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