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J4  2011, Vol. 45 Issue (1): 59-63    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2011.01.009
1. 浙江大学 信息与电子工程学系,浙江 杭州 310027; 2. 浙江省综合信息网技术重点实验室,浙江 杭州 310027
Algorithm of robust object tracking using PTZ camera
LIANG Wen-feng1,2, XIANG Zhi-yu1,2
1 Department of Information Science and Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China;
2. Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Information Network Technology, Hangzhou 310027, China
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An efficient algorithm which robustly tracked a moving object in real-time using pan/tilt/zoom (PTZ) camera was proposed. Noise and interference were detected and stored in a spatial model after calculating the covariance of image sequence. Highly sensitive and selective motion detection of later frames was achieved by comparing later covariance with the spatial model. The detection threshold of each region was carefully measured to reduce noise and constant interference. The number of frames to calculate covariance automatically changed according to environment such as light, signal to noise ratio (SNR), and speed of the motion. An optimization method to calculate the covariance was proposed. Experimental results show that the algorithm worked robustly in various kinds of environments.

出版日期: 2011-03-03
:  TP 391.41  


通讯作者: 项志宇, 男, 副教授.     E-mail:
作者简介: 梁文锋(1985-), 男, 广东湛江人, 硕士生, 从事机器视觉研究. E-mail:
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LIANG Wen-feng, XIANG Zhi-yu. Algorithm of robust object tracking using PTZ camera. J4, 2011, 45(1): 59-63.


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