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J4  2013, Vol. 47 Issue (10): 1705-1711    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2013.10.002
杨玉婷1,2, 史玉回3, 夏顺仁1,2
1. 浙江大学 生物医学工程教育部重点实验室,浙江 杭州 310027; 2. 浙江省心脑血管检测技术与药效评价重点实验室,浙江 杭州 310027; 3. 西交利物浦大学 电子与电气工程系,江苏 苏州 215123
Discussion mechanism based brain storm optimization algorithm
YANH Yu-ting1,2, SHI Yu-hui3, XIA Shun-ren1,2
1. Key Laboratory of Biomedical Engineering of Ministry of Education, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China; 2. Provincial Key Laboratory of Cardio-Cerebral Vascular Detection Technology and Medicinal Effectiveness
Appraisal,Hangzhou 310027, China; 3. Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou 215123, China
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A discussion mechanism based brain storm optimization (DMBSO) algorithm was proposed in order to solve the problem that brain storm optimization (BSO) algorithm is likely to stagnate in the local optima and result in premature convergence. DMBSO used a new mechanism with inter-group discussion and intra-group discussion to replace the process of individual updating in the original BSO algorithm in order to respectively govern the ability of global search and local search. The ability of global search was enhanced at the beginning by linearly decreasing times of inter-group discussion and increasing times of intra-group discussion, while fine search was enhanced in the end to prevent premature convergence. Empirical studies were conducted to evaluate the performances of the DMBSO algorithm for the 10D, 20D, 30D problems of six popular benchmark functions (BFs). Experimental results demonstrate that the DMBSO algorithm can avoid being stagnated in the local optima, more effectively and steadily find the better results than the original BSO algorithm and standard particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm, and show stronger robustness with the increasing of BFs’ dimension.

出版日期: 2013-10-01
:  TP 391.41  


通讯作者: 夏顺仁,男,教授,博导.     E-mail:
作者简介: 杨玉婷(1987—),女,博士生,从事智能计算及医学图像处理研究.E-mail:
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杨玉婷, 史玉回, 夏顺仁. 基于讨论机制的头脑风暴优化算法[J]. J4, 2013, 47(10): 1705-1711.

YANH Yu-ting, SHI Yu-hui, XIA Shun-ren. Discussion mechanism based brain storm optimization algorithm. J4, 2013, 47(10): 1705-1711.


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