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J4  2011, Vol. 45 Issue (1): 30-36    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2011.01.005
1.浙江大学 计算机科学与技术学院,浙江 杭州 310027; 2.浙江机电职业技术学院 设计艺术系,浙江 杭州 310053;
3.清华大学 美术学院,北京 100084
Facial feature tracking using three-dimensional model and
Gabor wavelet
ZHAN Jiang-tao1,2, LIU Qiang3, CHAI Chun-lei1
1.College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China;2.Department of
Design and Art, Zhejiang Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Hangzhou 310053, China;
3. Academy of Arts and Design, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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A new facial feature points tracking scheme was proposed by integrating three-dimensional geometric face modelbased tracking method and facial feature points tracking method with Gabor wavelet in bundle adjustment way in order to realize the robustness and accuracy of facial tracking system. The tracking method with Gabor wavelet was used to get the initial feature points. Then the model-based tracking method was used to get the final optimal feature points. The scheme overcame the disadvantage of using two-dimensional image features compared with three other typical methods. The scheme can be used for robust, real-time and wide-angle facial feature tracking.

出版日期: 2011-03-03
:  TP 391.41  


通讯作者: 柴春雷, 男, 副教授.     E-mail:
作者简介: 战江涛(1977-), 男, 山东莱州人, 博士生, 从事人机工程研究. E-mail:
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战江涛,刘强,柴春雷. 基于三维模型与Gabor小波的人脸特征点跟踪方法[J]. J4, 2011, 45(1): 30-36.

ZHAN Jiang-tao, LIU Qiang, CHAI Chun-lei. Facial feature tracking using three-dimensional model and
Gabor wavelet. J4, 2011, 45(1): 30-36.


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