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J4  2010, Vol. 44 Issue (10): 1967-1973    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2010.10.021
上海市政工程设计研究总院,上海 200092
Unloading effect and rapture zone distribution of columnar joints cavern
ZHU Dao-jian
Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design General Institute, Shanghai 200092, China
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he unloading effect was studied in order to analyze the critical deformation and the rupture zone of columnar joints cavern. The mechanism of elastic modulus changing with the stress level was studied based on the mixed multiweakness planes softening constitutive model. A formula that applied to columnar jointed rock mass was deduced, and the unloading effect was implemented in the constitutive model of columnar jointed rock mass. The excavation of columnar joints cavern was analyzed combined with the results, and the deformation characteristics and the distribution of plastic zone were obtained. Results show that the failure of joints was closely related to the tendency. Then the influence of each joints in the developing process of plastic zone was analyzed. The greatest impact was main joints that were perpendicular to excavation surface. The distribution of rupture zone of columnar jointed rock mass was revealed, which was the process of breakdown of main joints followed with the rupture of minor joints and the cracking of rock.

出版日期: 2010-10-01
:  TU 411  
作者简介: 朱道建(1981—),男,江苏扬中人,工程师,从事桥梁、隧道工程及岩石力学研究
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SHU Dao-Jian. Unloading effect and rapture zone distribution of columnar joints cavern. J4, 2010, 44(10): 1967-1973.


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