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Front. Inform. Technol. Electron. Eng.  2014, Vol. 15 Issue (6): 435-444    DOI: 10.1631/jzus.C1300262
Osama A. Khashan, Abdullah M. Zin, Elankovan A. Sundararajan
Centre for Software Technology and Management, Faculty of Information Science and Technology, National University of Malaysia (UKM), Bangi 43600, Selangor, Malaysia
Performance study of selective encryption in comparison to full encryption for still visual images
Osama A. Khashan, Abdullah M. Zin, Elankovan A. Sundararajan
Centre for Software Technology and Management, Faculty of Information Science and Technology, National University of Malaysia (UKM), Bangi 43600, Selangor, Malaysia
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摘要: 研究目的:安全图像的广泛使用,使得数字图像安全防护成为信息安全领域的一个重要关注点。图像加密是保障机密、保护隐私最为有效的方法。然而,数字图像的大尺寸和复杂结构,使得图像全加密耗费巨大计算量和处理时间,不利于其在实时系统中频繁使用。因此,许多近期研究采用选择加密,只对图像重要部分加密,以降低加密成本。相比全加密,选择加密性能如何?有必要加以评估。
关键词: 选择性图像加密边缘检测人脸检测    
Abstract: Securing digital images is becoming an important concern in today’s information security due to the extensive use of secure images that are either transmitted over a network or stored on disks. Image encryption is the most effective way to fulfil confidentiality and protect the privacy of images. Nevertheless, owing to the large size and complex structure of digital images, the computational overhead and processing time needed to carry out full image encryption prove to be limiting factors that inhibit it of being used more heavily in real time. To solve this problem, many recent studies use the selective encryption approach to encrypt significant parts of images with a hope to reduce the encryption overhead. However, it is necessary to realistically evaluate its performance compared to full encryption. In this paper, we study the performance and efficiency of image segmentation methods used in the selective encryption approach, such as edges and face detection methods, in determining the most important parts of visual images. Experiments were performed to analyse the computational results obtained by selective image encryption compared to full image encryption using symmetric encryption algorithms. Experiment results have proven that the selective encryption approach based on edge and face detection can significantly reduce the time of encrypting still visual images as compared to full encryption. Thus, this approach can be considered a good alternative in the implementation of real-time applications that require adequate security levels.
Key words: Selective image encryption    Edge detection    Face detection
收稿日期: 2013-09-18 出版日期: 2014-06-06
CLC:  TP309  
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Osama A. Khashan
Abdullah M. Zin
Elankovan A. Sundararajan


Osama A. Khashan, Abdullah M. Zin, Elankovan A. Sundararajan. Performance study of selective encryption in comparison to full encryption for still visual images. Front. Inform. Technol. Electron. Eng., 2014, 15(6): 435-444.


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