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Adjustments in reach-scale bankfull channel geometry of Jingjiang reach after operation of Three Gorges Project
XIA Jun-qiang1, ZONG Quan-li1, DENG Shan-shan1, XU Quan-xi2, ZHANG Yi1
1. State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China; 2. Bureau of Hydrology, Changjiang Water Resources Commission, Wuhan 430010, China
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In order to determine the recent adjustments in the reach-scale bankfull channel geometry of the Jingjiang Reach after the operation of the Three Gorges Project (TGP), an integrated approach to calculating reach-scale bankfull channel dimensions was then proposed, based on the measured section-scale bankfull geometry in the reach. The bankfull channel dimensions of the Upper and Lower Jingjiang Reaches (UJR and LJR) were calculated using the proposed method and the surveyed post-flood profiles during the period from 2002 to 2013. Calculated results indicate that: the channel evolution in the UJR and LJR occurred mainly in the component of bankfull depth after the TGP operation, although there were significant bank erosion processes in local regions; the bankfull widths in the UJR and LJR slightly changed, with the mean values of 1388 and 1305 m, respectively; the reach-scale bankfull depth increased respectively by 1.6 m in the UJR and 1.0 m in the LJR, which caused to the reach-scale bankfull area to increase gradually. Finally, empirical relationships for the UJR and LJR were developed between the reach-scale bankfull channel dimensions and the previous five-year average fluvial erosion intensity during flood seasons, which can be used to predict the response of the reach-scale bankfull geometry to the altered flow and sediment regime entering the Jingjiang Reach.

Published: 01 February 2015
CLC:  TV 147  
  TV 143  
Cite this article:

XIA Jun-qiang, ZONG Quan-li, DENG Shan-shan, XU Quan-xi, ZHANG Yi. Adjustments in reach-scale bankfull channel geometry of Jingjiang reach after operation of Three Gorges Project. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY (ENGINEERING SCIENCE), 2015, 49(2): 238-245.

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为确定三峡水库蓄水后荆江河段平滩河槽形态调整特点,提出基于河段尺度的平滩河槽形态参数的计算方法,计算上、下荆江段2002—2013年汛后河段平均的平滩河槽形态参数.结果表明:三峡工程运用后,坝下游河床冲刷加剧,个别河段河势变化剧烈,但总体河势仍基本稳定;尽管局部河段的崩岸现象较为突出,但河段平滩宽度总体变化不大,上、下荆江平均河宽分别为1 388及1 305 m,而河段平滩水深平均增加1.6及1.0 m,故荆江河段的平滩面积在持续增加.最后建立河段尺度的平滩河槽形态参数与前期5 a平均的汛期水流冲刷强度之间的计算关系,用于预测该河段平滩河槽形态随水沙条件的变化趋势.

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