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J4  2013, Vol. 47 Issue (4): 705-710    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2013.04.022
Shunt APF control strategy based on multiple synchronous rotating transform
WANG Yue, YANG Kun, ZHONG Xiao-jian, CHEN Guo-zhu
College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
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 A novel selective low order harmonic current control strategy was proposed based on multiple synchronous rotating transform in order to improve the compensation flexibility of shunt active power filter (APF). Each couple of harmonics was converted to a pair of 3rd harmonics by a specific synchronous rotating transform. Then the complete low order harmonic current detection can be realized by the superposition of several synchronous rotating transforms with different rotating frequency or rotating direction. A band pass filter of which the selective frequency is three times of the fundamental frequency was designed in order to detect the 3rd harmonics. Equivalent control plant of shunt APF was built. Double-loop control strategy which consists of inner PI control and outer repetitive control was adopted to improve the precision of harmonic current compensation. Simulation model was constructed, and experiment was performed on a 16.5 kVA rated APF prototype. Simulation and experimental results showed the validity and feasibility of the proposed method.

Published: 01 April 2013
CLC:  TM 762  
Cite this article:

WANG Yue, YANG Kun, ZHONG Xiao-jian, CHEN Guo-zhu. Shunt APF control strategy based on multiple synchronous rotating transform. J4, 2013, 47(4): 705-710.

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为了提高有源电力滤波器(APF)的补偿灵活性,提出基于多同步旋转变换的低次特征谐波选择性补偿策略.采用特定旋转频率的同步旋转变换将相差6次的一对正、负序谐波变换为该坐标系下的3次谐波分量,通过多组不同旋转频率的同步旋转变换将指定谐波变换为相应坐标系下的3次谐波,设计基于谐振控制器、选通频率为150 Hz的带通滤波器将其滤出,实现指定谐波的指令提取.为了提高补偿电流的控制精度,采用基于PI控制内环和重复控制外环的复合电流环控制策略.利用MATLAB/SIMULINK软件搭建仿真模型并在16.5 kVA的APF样机上进行验证实验,仿真和实验结果证明了该方法在三相并联APF中的正确性和可行性.

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