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Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A (Applied Physics & Engineering)  2008, Vol. 9 Issue (4): 510-516    DOI: 10.1631/jzus.A071449
Electrical & Electronic Engineering     
A semi-custom design methodology for design performance optimization
Dong-ming LV, Pei-yong ZHANG, Dan-dan ZHENG, Xiao-lang YAN, Bo ZHANG, Li QUAN
Institute of VLSI Design, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
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Abstract  We present a semi-custom design methodology based on transistor tuning to optimize the design performance. Compared with other transistor tuning approaches, our tuning process takes the cross-talk effect into account and prominently reduces the complexity for circuit simulation and analysis by decomposing the circuit network utilizing graph theory. Furthermore, the incremental placement and routing for the corresponding transistor tuning in conventional approaches is not required in our methodology, which might induce timing graph variation and additional iterations for design convergence. This methodology combines the flexible automated circuit tuning and physical design tools to provide more opportunities for design optimization throughout the design cycle.

Key wordsTransistor tuning      Cross-talk      Circuit decomposing     
Received: 24 August 2007     
CLC:  TN402  
Cite this article:

Dong-ming LV, Pei-yong ZHANG, Dan-dan ZHENG, Xiao-lang YAN, Bo ZHANG, Li QUAN. A semi-custom design methodology for design performance optimization. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A (Applied Physics & Engineering), 2008, 9(4): 510-516.

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