Leakage model of water supply plastic pipes and application of discretionary pressure management |
Jin-liang GAO1( ),Kun-yi LI1,Yuan-zhe LI1,Hang-wei ZHENG2,Guo-sheng SUN3,Cheng-zhi ZHENG3 |
1. School of Environment, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China 2. Guangdong Yue Gang Water Supply Limited Company, Shenzhen 518000, China 3. Guangdong Yue Hai Water Investment Limited Company, Shenzhen 518000, China |
Abstract A leakage model of water supply plastic pipes was constructed based on the mechanism of leak area variation with pressure delay in the viscoelastic theory of plastic material and the orifice outflow model in order to accurately simulate the physical leakage flow of plastic pipes in urban water supply network. The leakage model of water supply plastic pipes is related to the pipe material, pipe inside pressure, leakage area and time. A discretionary pressure management method was proposed by imitating the discretion in the field of economics in order to select a more appropriate pressure regulation strategy and achieve more refined pressure management. The particle swarm optimization algorithm was written by MATLAB, and the pressure-driven hydraulic analysis function of EPANET 2.2 was called in order to solve the leakage model of water supply plastic pipes. Then the optimal setting value of pressure-reducing valve outlet pressure was obtained at each moment, and the discretionary pressure management strategy was developed. Pressure management experiments were conducted in a community located in the southern coastal area by using the traditional pressure management scheme and the discretionary pressure management scheme, respectively. Results showed that the leakage rate of this community was reduced by 56.0% after using the discretionary pressure management scheme, which is better than the traditional pressure management scheme. The reasonableness and feasibility of developing a discretionary pressure management strategy based on the leakage model of water supply plastic pipes was verified.
Received: 24 February 2022
Published: 17 January 2023
Fund: 国家重点研发计划资助项目(2018YFC0406200);国家自然科学基金资助项目(51778178,51978203);省自然科学基金联合引导资助项目(LH2019E044);哈尔滨市校所信誉担保推荐资助项目(2017FF1XJ001) |
为了精确模拟城市供水塑料管道的物理漏失流量,基于塑料材质黏弹性理论中漏口面积随压力延时变化的机制与孔口出流模型,构建与管道材质、管道内压力、漏口面积和时间有关的供水塑料管道漏失模型. 仿照经济学领域中的相机调控,提出相机压力管理方法,以选择更合适的调压策略,实现更精细化的压力管理. 采用MATLAB编写粒子群优化算法,调用EPANET 2.2压力驱动水力分析功能,求解供水塑料管道漏失模型,得到各时刻减压阀后压力最优设定值,制定相机调压策略. 分别使用传统压力管理方案和相机压力管理方案,在南方沿海某小区进行压力管理实验. 研究结果表明,在使用相机压力管理方案后,漏损率降幅为56.0%,效果优于传统压力管理方案,验证了基于供水塑料管道漏失模型制定相机压力管理策略的合理性和可行性.
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