Parameter estimation of solar cell engineering model and model application |
Xiao-yi YU1( ),Da-qian RAO2,Chang-xing HU1,3,Mei-juan XU1,*( ) |
1. School of Mechatronics and Energy Engineering, NingboTech University, Ningbo 315100, China 2. Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China 3. Ningbo Research Institute, Zhejiang University, Ningbo 315100, China |
Abstract A simple method for estimating model parameters that only uses the available information in the manufacturer datasheet was proposed aiming at the problem that the parameter values of the simplified solar cell engineering model in the existing literature were not suitable for current PV modules. The parameter b was obtained by fitting the open-circuit voltage data corresponding to different irradiance at 25 ℃. The parameters a and c were treated equal to the temperature coefficients of the short-circuit current and the open-circuit voltage, respectively. The value of parameter b for PV modules produced by different manufacturers is different, while it can take the same value for the same manufacturer’s different type of PV modules. The electrical output characteristics of PV modules were dynamically simulated by integrating the improved solar cell engineering model, the cell temperature model in piecewise function form and the solar irradiance model considering the installation conditions of the PV module. The angle change has little effect on the maximum output power when the module inclination angle is less than the optimal one. The angle change has a great influence on the maximum output power when the inclination angle is greater than the optimum one, and the influence degree increases with the increase of the angle.
Received: 05 February 2022
Published: 17 January 2023
Fund: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51406180);宁波市自然科学基金资助项目(202003N4312) |
Corresponding Authors:
Mei-juan XU
E-mail: yuxiaoyi@nbt.edu.cn;03nyhjyxy@zju.edu.cn
针对现有文献中太阳电池工程简化模型的模型系数值不适用于当今光伏组件的问题,提出简单的仅需利用光伏组件出厂数据的模型系数确定方法.系数b通过拟合25 ℃下不同辐照度对应的开路电压数据得到,系数a和c分别取短路电流和开路电压的温度系数. 不同厂家生产的光伏组件系数b不同,同一厂家生产的不同型号的光伏组件系数b可以取相同值.综合改进后的太阳电池工程简化模型、分段函数形式的太阳电池温度模型和考虑安装条件的入射光强度模型,开展光伏组件电气输出特性的动态仿真. 当组件倾角小于最佳倾角时,角度变化对最大输出功率的影响很小;当倾角大于最佳倾角时,角度变化对最大输出功率的影响较大,影响程度随着角度的增大而增大.
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