Static and dynamic characteristic analysis and structure optimization for crossbeam structure of heavy-duty truss robot |
Jin WANG1( ),Xiang-kun WANG1,Jian-hui FU1,*( ),Guo-dong LU1,Chao-chao JIN2,Yan-zhi CHEN3 |
1. State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power and Mechatronic Systems, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China 2. Ningbo Welllih Robot Technology Limited Company, Ningbo 315480, China 3. Yuyao Zhejiang University Robot Research Center, Ningbo 315400, China |
Abstract The finite element method was used to analyze the static and dynamic characteristics of the crossbeam structure of heavy-duty truss robot and optimize the structure in order to explore and improve the static and dynamic characteristics under extreme load pressure. The static analysis results showed that the maximum deformation of the crossbeam structure in the Y direction was 0.470 mm under the pressure of the limit load of 17800 N. The dynamic analysis results showed that the first six natural frequencies of the crossbeam structure were distributed from 47 to 134 Hz. Harmonic response analysis results showed the influence of the first three natural frequencies on the structure. The optimization results show that the experimental design method of OSF has better optimization effect under two different experimental design methods of CCD and OSF. The quality of the crossbeam structure was reduced by 1.47%, the total deformation was reduced by 18.41% and the frequency was reduced by 13.48% after the optimization of the OSF experimental design.
Received: 29 June 2020
Published: 05 January 2021
Corresponding Authors:
Jian-hui FU
E-mail: dwjcom@zju.edu.cn;jhf@zju.edu.cn
为了探究并改善重载桁架机器人横梁结构在承受极限负载压力下的静动态特性,利用有限元方法分析该结构的静动态特性并进行结构优化. 静态分析结果表明,横梁结构在承受极限负载17 800 N的压力下,横梁结构在Y方向上的最大变形量为0.470 mm. 动态分析结果表明,横梁结构的前6阶固有频率为47~134 Hz. 谐响应分析结果显示了前3阶固有频率对结构的影响. 优化结果表明,在中心复合设计(CCD)与最佳填充空间设计(OSF)2种不同实验设计方法下,OSF实验设计方法具有更好的优化效果. OSF实验设计优化后,横梁结构的质量降低了1.47%,总变形量降低了18.41%,频率降低了13.48%.
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