Experimental study on recycled brick aggregate concrete frame model |
Pei GE1( ),Wei HUANG1,*( ),Meng LI2 |
1. College of Civil Engineering, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi'an 710055, China 2. Shanxi Provincial Natural Gas Limited Company, Xi'an 710055, China |
Abstract The influence of water cement mass ratio, particle size distribution, recycled brick aggregate and sand volume fraction on the compressive strength of concrete and the influence of cement sand mass ratio on the compressive strength of cement paste were analyzed through experiments. The influence of aggregate cement volume ratio, cement sand mass ratio, recycled brick aggregate and sand volume fraction on the contribution strength of concrete framework was analyzed. Results show that the compressive strength of recycled brick aggregate concrete increases with the decrease of water cement mass ratio, and the compressive strength reaches the maximum value when the aggregate size ranges from 19 to 26.5 mm. The compressive strength of concrete and the contribution strength of recycled brick aggregate framework increase with the increase of recycled brick aggregate volume fraction when the volume fraction of recycled brick aggregate is between 30% and 43.2%, and both of them increase with the increase of sand volume fraction. The compressive strength of cement paste specimen increases with the increase of cement sand mass ratio when the cement sand mass ratio is between 0.33 and 1.33. The cement sand mass ratio is highly linear to the contribution strength of recycled brick aggregate framework, and aggregate cement volume ratio is highly linear to the contribution strength of recycled brick aggregate framework when the volume fraction of recycled brick aggregate is 40% and 43.2%. The contribution strength of recycled brick aggregate framework is higher than that of concrete, mainly concentrated in the recycled brick aggregate volume fraction of 40%-43.2%, especially when the volume fraction of recycled brick aggregate is 43.2% and the volume fraction of sand is 18%-26%.
Received: 28 October 2020
Published: 05 January 2021
Corresponding Authors:
E-mail: 810541715@qq.com;3320194230@qq.com
通过试验研究水灰质量比、粒径级配、再生砖骨料和砂体积分数对混凝土抗压强度的影响以及灰砂质量比对水泥石抗压强度的影响,分析骨浆体积比、灰砂质量比、再生砖骨料和砂体积分数对混凝土架构贡献强度的影响. 结果表明,再生砖骨料混凝土的抗压强度随着水灰质量比的减小而增大,当骨料粒径为19~26.5 mm时抗压强度达到最大值;当再生砖骨料体积分数为30%~43.2%时,混凝土抗压强度和再生砖骨料构架贡献强度都随着再生砖骨料体积分数的增大而增大,且都随着砂体积分数的增大而增大;当灰砂质量比为0.33~1.33时,水泥砂浆试件的抗压强度随着灰砂质量比的增大而增大;当再生砖骨料体积分数为40%和43.2%时,灰砂质量比与再生砖骨料架构贡献强度以及骨浆体积比与再生砖骨料架构贡献强度均高度线性相关;再生砖骨料架构贡献强度高于混凝土强度,主要集中在再生砖骨料体积分数为40%~43.2%,特别是再生砖骨料体积分数为43.2%、砂体积分数为18%~26%.
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