Seismic fragility analysis of multi-storey frame structure considering effect of valley terrain |
Bo HUANG1,2( ),Kai-long LIAO1,2,Yu ZHAO1,2,*( ),Jian-qun JIANG3 |
1. MOE Key Laboratory of Soft Soils and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China 2. Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China 3. Institute of Hydraulic Structure and Water Environment, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China |
Abstract The seismic fragility curves of multi-storey frame structures suitable for Hangjiahu area were given based on dynamic time history analysis and probability statistics method combining with the local soil engineering characteristics and the fact of seismic fortification zones in view of the special situation that the scouring and silting valley topography is widely distributed in Hangjiahu area. The dynamic analysis results of multi-storey frame structures without considering foundation, homogeneous foundation and River Valley Foundation were compared. Results show that soil-structures dynamic interaction has a significant influence on the dynamic analysis results of structures. The deformation and the exceeding probability of fragility performance level of buildings were underestimated without considering soil-structures dynamic interaction. The deviation can reach 7.9%, which will lead to a dangerous result. The unique focusing effect of local valley topography on seismic waves will increase the structural deformation. The exceeding probability of seismic vulnerability can increase by 12.1% compared with homogeneous foundation, and the focusing effect is different at different locations of the valley. Under the selected seismic wave input, the closer the building structure is to the center of the valley, the greater the structural deformation and the greater the probability of exceeding the seismic fragility are.
Received: 30 June 2018
Published: 28 March 2019
Corresponding Authors:
E-mail: cehuangbo@zju.edu.cn;zhao_yu@zju.edu.cn
针对杭嘉湖地区冲淤河谷地形分布广泛的特殊情况,结合当地土体工程特性和抗震设防区划设置现状,基于动力时程分析以及概率统计方法,给出适用于杭嘉湖地区多层框架结构的地震易损性曲线,对比不考虑地基、均质地基和河谷地基条件下多层框架结构的动力分析结果. 研究土-结动力相互作用以及局部河谷地形对结构动力响应和易损性的影响,考察房屋结构位于河谷不同位置处的差异. 结果表明,土-结动力相互作用对结构的动力分析结果有显著影响,不考虑土-结动力相互作用将低估房屋结构变形,易损性性能水平超越概率偏低,偏差可达7.9%,结果偏于危险;局部河谷地形对地震波独特的聚焦效应会增大结构变形,地震易损性超越概率与均质地基相比增幅可达12.1%,且河谷不同位置处的聚焦效果不同,在选取的地震波输入下表现为房屋结构距河谷中心越近,结构变形越大、地震易损性超越概率越大.
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