Member length error effect on cable-strut tensile structure |
DENG Hua1, CHENG Jun1, JIANG Ben-wei1, LOU Dao-an2 |
1. Space Structures Research Center, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China;
2. Zhejiang Zhancheng Construction Group Limited, Hangzhou 310005, China |
Abstract Member length error can substantially cause the prestress deviation of cable-strut tensile structure from design value. The mathematical model was conducted to analyze the effect of member length error, in which the catenary cable element and its precise compatibility equation were adopted to ensure the computational accuracy. The dynamic relaxation method was employed to solve the problem devoid of the establishment of stiffness matrix. A sensitivity matrix was established to analyze the relationship between the tension deviation and the length error. A numerical method based on Newton method was further developed to calculate the error effect with additional condition of given tension force of certain cable considering that the structural form in construction was controlled by the tension force of directly pretensioned cable. The structural sensitivity to member length error under four different pretensioning schemes were compared by an illustrative example of a practical mast-cable system. Results indicated that the control efficiency of member length error effect was indispensable for evaluating the pretensioning scheme of cable-strut tensile structure.
Published: 03 March 2011
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