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Electrical Engineering     
Optimization of grid connected wind power capacity based on principle of maximum entropy
BIAN Qiao yan1,2, SUN Li ying2, LAN Zhou2, XU Chong2, WANG Bin bin3, XIN Huan hai1  
1. College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China;2. State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Company, Hangzhou 310009, China;3.Electronics Engineering and Photoelectronic Technology, Nanjing University of Sci.& Tech Zijin College, Nanjing 210023, China
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A new wind power capacity optimization method was proposed based on the principle of maximum entropy in order to maximize the grid connected wind power capacity while satisfying the reliability requirements of the power system. The maximum entropy principle was applied to solve the most possibly realized probability distribution of the stochastic power flow, using the partial information of the power flow variables. The wind power capacity optimization problem was formulated as a chance constrained programming model, which considers the system security requirements and objects to maximize the wind power capacity. The pattern search algorithm was adopted to solve the chance constrained programming model. Numerical case studies were conducted in an actual power system to compare the proposed method with the Gram Charlier method. Results verified the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Published: 31 March 2016
CLC:  TM 715  
Cite this article:

BIAN Qiao yan1,2, SUN Li ying2, LAN Zhou2, XU Chong2, WANG Bin bin3, XIN Huan hai1. Optimization of grid connected wind power capacity based on principle of maximum entropy. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY (ENGINEERING SCIENCE), 2016, 50(1): 166-172.

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为了在保证系统安全运行的前提下,最大化风电并网容量以充分利用风能,提出基于最大熵原理的风电并网容量优化方法.该方法根据最大熵原理,基于电力系统中随机潮流的部分信息,求解随机潮流最符合实际的概率分布,刻画出一个较准确的不确定性环境;采用机会约束描述电力系统的安全运行要求,以最大化风电并网容量为目标,建立风电并网容量优化模型.利用模式搜索法来求解风电并网容量优化模型,采用基于实际电网的算例,以Monte Carlo法为基准,将提出的方法与基于Gram Charlier级数展开的方法进行比较,算例结果验证了提出方法的可行性和有效性.

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