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Computer Technology, Information Engineering     
Register allocation algorithm of dynamic binary translation based on priority
DAI Tao, SHAN Zheng, LU Shuai bing, SHI Qiang, TAN Jie
State Key Laboratory of Mathematical Engineering and Advanced Computing, PLA Information Engineering University, Zhengzhou 450002, China
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QEMU uses a simple sequential allocation algorithm  to deal with all the basic blocks without considering the difference between the basic block, which causes a lot of register overflow. A more efficient priority-based linear scan register allocation algorithm was presented based on the mapping between intermediate representation and the source platform register, dynamically adjusting register allocation sequence to reduce register spilling times and the number of generated native code instructions by counting and ordering the pre-allocated registers of a basic block. The improved algorithm has a good cross-platform based on intermediate code, effectively reducing the generation of local code instructions. Experimental results show that the algorithm is better than the performance of QEMU before optimization, which respectively upgrades about 6.7%, 6.8%, 4.7% in x86 platform, mips platform and arm platform.

Published: 23 July 2016
CLC:  TP 314  
  TN 332  
Cite this article:

DAI Tao, SHAN Zheng, LU Shuai bing, SHI Qiang, TAN Jie. Register allocation algorithm of dynamic binary translation based on priority. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY (ENGINEERING SCIENCE), 2016, 50(7): 1338-1346.

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