Vibration suppression band gap of rheological soil row piles foundation |
Hua-zhong YANG1( ),Jian-chang ZHAO1,*( ),Yun-yan YU1,Li-an WANG2 |
1. School of Civil Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, China 2. School of Railway Technology, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, China |
Abstract The dynamic damping expression of rheological soil was derived based on the time-dependent modulus, and the continuum model of the pile-soil periodic structure was constructed. The energy band structure and band gap of the pile-soil periodic system were calculated by using the multiple scattering method. The band gap characteristics and parameter influence of shear wave in rheological soil pile foundation were analyzed through an example. Results showed that the damping ratio of rheological soil changed non-monotonously with frequency. The amplitude of damping ratio was determined by the initial and final modulus ratio, and the change rate of damping ratio with frequency was determined by the relaxation time. The rheological properties of the soil lead to a higher frequency of band gaps in the actual engineering of row pile foundations than the theoretical value, and the bandwidth decreases, weakening the vibration isolation effect of row piles. Eliminating the rheological properties of the soil around the piles will be conducive to the vibration isolation effect of row piles.
Received: 07 July 2022
Published: 17 July 2023
Fund: 甘肃省自然科学基金资助项目(22JR11RA155);兰州交通大学青年科学基金资助项目(1200061136) |
Corresponding Authors:
Jian-chang ZHAO
E-mail: 419403362@qq.com;13609382011@163.com
基于时间依赖性模量推导流变性土的动阻尼表达式,构建桩-土周期结构的连续介质模型,利用多重散射法计算桩-土周期系统的能带结构和带隙. 通过算例分析,分析流变性土排桩地基中剪切波的带隙特征及参数影响. 结果表明,流变性土的阻尼比随频率发生非单调性变化,初始和最终状态的模量比决定阻尼比的幅值,而松弛时间决定阻尼比随频率的变化速率. 土体的流变性导致实际工程中排桩地基的带隙频率高于理论值,且带宽减小,减弱了排桩的隔振效果,消除桩周土的流变性将有利于排桩发挥隔振作用.
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