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Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science)  2023, Vol. 57 Issue (5): 930-938    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2023.05.009
Identification of critical nodes in temporal networks based on graph convolution union computing
Chuan-hua ZHOU1,2(),Li-chun CAO1,Jia-yi ZHOU3,Feng ZHAN4
1. School of Management Science and Engineering, Anhui University of Technology, Maanshan 243032, China
2. School of Computer Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230027, China
3. Marketing Service Center of Jiangsu Electric Power Co. Ltd, Nanjing 210019, China
4. Maanshan University, Maanshan 243100, China
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The importance measure of nodes in complex networks is correlated with the time attribute. The classical static network model weakens the effective representation of the time attribute of node interaction. A node importance evaluation model for temporal networks based on the graph convolution union computing was proposed. The model migrated the deep learning to dynamic graph data for end-to-end system modeling. Dynamic evolution process of the temporal network structure was assembled by the supra-adjacency matrix. The graph convolutional neural network framework was used to calculate the fusion characteristics of the neighborhood nodes. The node importance order structure over time was analyzed. A comprehensive ranking of node importance was achieved. The simulation experimental results showed that compared with the existing method, the Kendall’s tau values obtained by the proposed method performed well on all the selected network datasets, reflecting the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed method.

Key wordstemporal network      critical node identification      supra-adjacency matrix      graph convolutional neural network      global time efficiency     
Received: 26 May 2022      Published: 09 May 2023
CLC:  TP 301.6  
Fund:  安徽省自然科学基金资助项目(2108085MG236);安徽省高校自然科学研究项目(KJ2021A0385);国家电网科技项目(5400-202118485A-0-5-ZN)
Cite this article:

Chuan-hua ZHOU,Li-chun CAO,Jia-yi ZHOU,Feng ZHAN. Identification of critical nodes in temporal networks based on graph convolution union computing. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2023, 57(5): 930-938.

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复杂网络节点的重要性度量与时间属性相关,经典静态网络模型弱化对节点交互时间属性的有效表征.将深度学习模型迁移到动态图数据上进行端到端系统建模,提出基于图卷积融合计算的时效网络节点重要性综合评估模型. 通过超邻接矩阵集结时效网络结构特征的动态演化过程,利用图卷积神经网络框架融合计算节点邻域特征,分析节点时序演化重要性顺序结构,实现节点重要性综合排序.仿真实验结果表明,与基线方法相比,所提方法得到的Kendall’s $ \tau $值在所选网络数据集上均表现优良,体现出基于图卷积融合计算的时效网络节点重要性综合评估方法的有效性和优越性.

关键词: 时效网络,  关键节点识别,  超邻接矩阵,  图卷积神经网络,  全局时序效率 
Fig.1 Structure diagram of ISGC model
Fig.2 Spectral convolutional network structure diagram
Fig.3 Spectral graph convolution operator
网络 Num Inter Static During Win
Workspace 92 9827 755 2013-6-24—2013-7-3 10
Enrons 151 33124 1270 2001 12
SFHH 403 70 261 9889 2009 7
Tab.1 Empirical network data set feature description
方法 Workspace Enrons SFHH
ISGC 0.7096 0.7644 0.6997
RA 0.5498 0.4274 0.1657
TD 0.5396 0.5297 0.8379
TB 0.6931 0.5989 0.6861
TC 0.4992 0.7486 0.6945
TK 0.5184 0.4182 0.2746
TDDC 0.3456 0.2693 0.2310
TPR 0.5078 0.6178 0.3120
TGM 0.6841 0.7088 0.7857
Tab.2 Correlation comparison results of ISGC and existing methods with the benchmark sort
Fig.4 Influence of tunable parameters $ \omega $ of coupling relation between adjacent layers on correlation between ISGC and benchmark sort
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