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Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science)  2022, Vol. 56 Issue (11): 2168-2174    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2022.11.007
Experimental study of ventilated building integrated photovoltaic/ thermal system
Li-qun MA1(),Yu-long ZHAO2,Yun-tong ZHAO3,Shi-xue WANG2,*()
1. China Energy Investment Group Co., Beijing 100039, China
2. School of Mechanical Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300350, China
3. School of Energy and Environmental Engineering, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300401, China
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Taking copper indium gallium selenium photovoltaic modules as photovoltaic cells, a comparative experimental group was established to investigating the effects of ventilation flow rate and climate conditions on the thermal and photoelectric performance of the ventilated building integrated photovoltaic/ thermal system. The results showed that the thermal power and power generation of the system were positively correlated with the irradiation intensity, but the variation was not completely inconsistent due to the influence of ambient temperature. When the ventilation flow rate was 2.2 m/s, the comprehensive utilization rate of solar energy reached 65.4%. The average thermal efficiency and the relative power generation were proposed to characterize the system performance, and a quantitative relationship with the ventilation flow rate was obtained. When the ventilation flow rate increased from 0.4 m/s to 2.2 m/s, the average thermal efficiency of the system increased by 130.0% and the power generation efficiency only increased by about 4.0%. Considering the resistance and energy consumption, the ventilation flow rate was critical to the efficient operation of the system. The generalizability of the quantitative relationship was verified through repeated experiments in different regions.

Key wordscopper indium gallium selenide      building integrated photovoltaic/thermal      ventilation flow      thermal efficiency      power generation efficiency     
Received: 10 December 2021      Published: 02 December 2022
CLC:  TK 513.5  
Fund:  国家自然科学基金资助项目 (51876136)
Corresponding Authors: Shi-xue WANG     E-mail:;
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Li-qun MA,Yu-long ZHAO,Yun-tong ZHAO,Shi-xue WANG. Experimental study of ventilated building integrated photovoltaic/ thermal system. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2022, 56(11): 2168-2174.

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以铜铟镓硒光伏组件为光电单元,通过构建对比实验组研究通风流速和气候条件对通风型光伏/光热建筑一体化系统的光热和光电性能的影响. 结果表明,系统得热功率和发电功率均与辐照强度呈正相关,受环境温度影响,变化规律并非完全一致. 当通风流速为2.2 m/s时,太阳能综合利用率达到65.4%,提出平均得热效率和相对发电量用于表征系统的光热及光电性能,获得与通风流速的定量关系;当通风流速由0.4 m/s增大到2.2 m/s时,系统平均得热效率提高了130.0%,发电效率仅增加4.0%左右. 在考虑阻力耗能的情况下,通风流速是系统高效运行的关键,通过不同地域的重复实验,验证了定量关系的普适性.

关键词: 铜铟镓硒,  光伏/光热建筑一体化,  通风流速,  得热效率,  发电效率 
Fig.1 BIPV/T experimental system based on copper indium gallium selenide photovoltaic modules
参数 数值
额定功率/W 100.00
额定电压/V 75.00
额定电流/Ω 1.33
开路电压/V 94.10
额定功率温度系数(%/℃) -0.36
Tab.1 CIGS PV module parameters
Fig.2 Climatic conditions during the experiment in Huizhou
Fig.3 Typical daily climate parameters (December 10, 2017)
Fig.4 All-day thermal and electrical performance (flow velocity 2.2 m/s)
Fig.5 Influence of light conditions on temperature of backplane (flow velocity 2.2 m/s)
Fig.6 Changes in the relative temperature rise of the backplane (based on flow velocity 2.2 m/s)
Fig.7 Influence of light conditions on thermal performance of system     
Fig.8 Influence of flow velocity on thermal efficiency
Fig.9 Influence of flow velocity on relative power generation
Fig.10 Influence of flow velocity on resistance power consumption
Fig.11 Climatic conditions during experiment in Beijing
Fig.12 Comparison of thermal and electrical performance between Beijing and Huizhou
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