Civil Engineering |
Dynamic response of pile-surrounding soil based on inversion of existing pile dynamic theory |
Jun-tao WU( ),Kui-hua WANG*( ),Xin LIU,Fan SUN |
College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China |
Abstract A half-space dynamic soil model based on inversion of existing pile dynamic theory was proposed, and an analytical solution in Laplace domain, as well as a semi-analytical solution in time domain, were solved by employing Hankel integral transform. When solving the dynamic response of pile-surrounding soil, this method avoided simultaneous analysis of complex pile-soil coupled vibration, which significantly simplified the solving process. The reasonability of presented solution for soil around and beneath the pile, respectively, was verified by existing analytical solution and finite element analysis (FEA) software ABAQUS. Based on the solution, a problem of pile length prediction by parallel seismic method was discussed. A more convenient method was proposed to predict the unknown length of pile, which can be employed to reduce the workload on site and improve the accuracy of data processing.
Received: 03 March 2019
Published: 05 March 2020
Corresponding Authors:
Kui-hua WANG
提出一种基于现有桩基振动理论反演的桩周土半无限空间激振响应模型,通过Laplace-Hankel积分变换求解得到其复数域内解析解及时域半解析解. 该方法在获得桩周土动态响应的同时,避免对复杂桩–土耦合振动条件进行联立分析,使得求解这类问题的解析过程大大简化. 通过与既有理论解及有限元分析软件ABAQUS的结果进行对比,分别验证所得解在桩周土及桩底以下土激振响应问题上的合理性. 基于解析结果,针对由旁孔透射波法估计未知桩长的问题进行讨论,提出一种相对简单的未知桩长估计方法. 该方法可以减少现场测试的工作量,并有助于提高后期数据处理的精度.
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