Civil Engineering |
Urban ventilation corridor construction based on ventilation potential and quantitative analysis of wind characteristics |
Wei-wu WANG1( ),Fei-nan LI1,Di WANG1,Qin WANG2 |
1. College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China 2. Zhejiang University Urban-Rural Planning and Design Institute, Hangzhou 310023, China |
Abstract Firstly, taking Hangzhou’s main urban area as an example, Landsat 8 images of Hangzhou’s typical season were selected to extract land surface temperature, and the role of urban ventilation corridor system space and compensation space were determined based on the theory of urban atmospheric circulation operation rule. Secondly, the comprehensive evaluation model of urban ventilation potential was established by building five factors’spatial data sets of urban ventilation corridor surface roughness in Hangzhou, including building density and building height, the urban green space, the urban water and city road network. GIS spatial overlay analysis was implemented to determine the biggest ventilation potential area as a potential ventilated corridor area. Thirdly, fifteen automatic meteorological wind-rose diagrams from meteorological sites in the main urban area of Hangzhou were used to determine the spatial distribution of the dominant wind direction in summer and winter in the surrounding area. Finally, combining the above analysis results and the construction and planning condition of Hangzhou, six potential first-level wind tunnels and five secondary wind tunnels in Hangzhou’s main urban areas are determined.
Received: 23 October 2017
Published: 04 March 2019
以杭州市主城区为例,选取杭州典型季份的Landsat 8影像反演城市地表温度,以城市局地环流运行规律为理论基础,确定城市风道系统的作用空间和补偿空间. 通过构建杭州主城区表征城市风道地表粗糙度的5个影响因子(包括建筑密度、建筑高度、城市绿地、城市水体和城市路网)的空间数据集,建立城市风道通风潜力综合评价模型,并实现GIS空间叠加分析,确定通风潜力最大区域作为潜在通风廊道区域. 结合杭州主城区各气象站点的15个自动气象风玫瑰图,确定周边区域夏季和冬季主导风向的空间分布情况. 结合上述分析结果及杭州的城市建设与规划,实际确定出杭州主城区6条潜在一级风道和5条二级风道.
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