Civil Engineering |
Dynamicsanalysis of parking space occupancy series based oncomplexity measurement |
MEI Zhen-yu, ZHANG Wei |
College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China |
Abstract The analysis of the sequence was conducted based on complexity measurement in order to quantitatively analyze the dynamic characteristics of parking space occupancy time series. The principal component analysis was used to analyze the principal component spectrum of the sequence. The nonlinear characteristic of the sequence was calculated by the joint entropy of the sequence. Irregular components of the sequence were analyzed by calculating the C0 complexity of the sequence. The analysis of comparing with several typical time series shows that the time series of parking space occupancy is a kind of sequence which situated between linearity and nonlinearity, and its linear characteristic is more significant. The sequence contains more regular components, which can be seen as a ‘quasi-periodic’ sequence, but the extremely irregular components in the original series can increase the prediction error in long-term prediction. Long-term prediction of parking space series was conducted by using the idea of C0 complexity. Results show that the prediction accuracy increases by 26% to 56% after eliminating irregular components in the original series, which shows better performance.
Received: 09 January 2017
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