Mechanical and Power Engineering |
Research on performance of waste heat utilization system of large marine diesel engine |
LIU Chang-cheng, LI Wen-hui, ZHANG Wen-ping, XIA Wen, ZHANG Zi-jian, ZHOU Yao-feng |
College of Power and Energy Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China |
Abstract The 6S50ME-C8.2 type marine low speed diesel engine produced by MAN company and the waste heat utilization system of independent design were taken as an example to study in order to explore the influence rules of different main diesel operating conditions on energy utilization rate and its related parameters of the large marine diesel engine waste heat utilization system. The system mainly included low speed marine main diesel engine, waste heat boiler, electricity generation sub-system of power turbine, electricity generation sub-system of steam turbine, the heat exchange equipment, electricity generation sub-system of organic working medium steam turbine and other equipments. Based on experimental data of main engine and later theoretical calculation, this paper studied the effect rules of electricity generation power, waste heat utilization potential and related parameters of the waste heat utilization system under different main diesel load and ambient temperature. The result shows that, with the increase of the ambient temperature and the main engine load, the waste heat utilization ability of system gradually increases, the maximum value of the overall electricity generation ratio of the waste heat utilization system is 12.9%, the maximum value of the total power of electricity generation is 1 288.7 kW, the maximum value of waste heat utilization ratio of system is 17.9%.
Received: 15 October 2016
Published: 13 November 2017
为了探索不同主机工况对大型船用柴油机余热利用系统能量利用率及相关参数的影响规律,以MAN公司生产的6S50ME-C8.2型船用低速柴油机及自主设计的余热利用系统为例进行研究.柴油机余热利用系统包括船舶主机、余热锅炉、动力涡轮发电子系统、汽轮机发电子系统、高温冷却水利用换热设备和有机工质汽轮机发电子系统等装置.基于主机试验数据和后续的理论计算,研究不同主机负荷和环境温度对余热利用系统发电功率、余热利用潜力及其相关参数的影响规律.结果表明,随环境温度和主机负荷的升高,该船舶主机余热利用系统的余热利用能力逐渐升高,余热利用系统总体发电比的最大值为12.9%,发电总功率的最大值为1 288.7kW,系统余热利用率的最大值为17.9%.
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