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JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY (ENGINEERING SCIENCE)  2017, Vol. 51 Issue (10): 1967-1973    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2017.10.010
Mechanical and Energy Engineering     
Environmental impact of ultra-low emission coal-fired unit's SO2 emission reduction
SHOU Chun-hui1, QI Zhi-fu1, LI Min2, ZOU Zheng-wei1, LIU Chun-hong1, LI Xiao-dong2
1. Zhejiang Energy Group R & D, Hangzhou 311121, China;
2. State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
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The atmospheric simulation software AERMOD was used to predict the transmission and diffusion of SO2 in different emission scenarios of a 1 000 MW coal-fired unit in order to analyze the effect of SO2 ultra-low emission reduction on the surrounding environment. The mass concentration distribution was quantified calculation. Results show that the maximum mass concentration of SO2 in the ambient air is reduced by more than 82% by the "ultra-low emission" project while the accounting for standard rate goes down substantially. The pollutant mass concentration in the peak distribution area and the mean value of the accounting for standard rate of each time period are controlled. The contaminant concentration index of each time period and its distribution gradient are synchronously reduced. Since the flue gas lift height is high, the concentration of areas within 1 km of emission source is low. "Ultra-low emission" projects decrease the environmental impact of SO2 emissions, and obviously improve the air quality of the surrounding environment.

Received: 15 June 2016      Published: 27 September 2017
CLC:  TK284  
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SHOU Chun-hui, QI Zhi-fu, LI Min, ZOU Zheng-wei, LIU Chun-hong, LI Xiao-dong. Environmental impact of ultra-low emission coal-fired unit's SO2 emission reduction. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY (ENGINEERING SCIENCE), 2017, 51(10): 1967-1973.

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为了探究实施"超低排放"工程后SO2质量浓度降低对周围环境的影响,选取AERMOD对某大型1 000 MW火电机组不同排放情景下SO2的迁徙规律进行预测,对质量浓度分布进行定量计算.结果表明,工程实施后,SO2最大落地质量浓度指标改善超过82%,占标率大幅降低;峰值区SO2质量浓度及不同维度均值占标均得到控制;模拟范围内不同维度SO2质量浓度指标及分布梯度同步减小.得益于排气筒高度条件,排放源1公里内区域浓度较低."超低排放"对改善机组SO2排放的环境影响、提升厂区周边环境的空气质量效果明显.

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