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JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY (ENGINEERING SCIENCE)  2017, Vol. 51 Issue (9): 1727-1734    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2017.09.007
Civil and Traffic Engineering     
Repair method for traffic flow fault data based on spatial-temporal correlation
WANG Wei1,2, CHENG Ze-yang1, LIU Meng-yi1,3, YANG Zhao-sheng1,2
1. College of Transportation, Jilin University, Changchun 130022, China;
2. Jilin Provence Key Laboratory of Road Traffic, Jilin University, Changchun 130022, China;
3. Shandong Provincial Key Communications Planning and Design Institute, Jinan 250000, China
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Considering the spatial-temporal characteristics of the traffic flow data, a spatial-temporal interpolation repair method based on 3D shape function was proposed to effectively repair the fault data of freeway traffic flow in time. The time interval, distance and time delay parameters were chosen as the extracted evidences of the relevant data, and the proposed method was validated through the actual data of freeway; while, the time series method, the spatial interpolation method, the method based on residual error GM model and the method based on statistical correlation analysis were selected as comparative approaches. Results show that the repair results of the proposed method are better than the results by time series method and spatial interpolation method; in addition, the repair error is lower than other methods. Compared with the method based on residual error GM model and the method based on statistical correlation analysis, the absolute error of the proposed method are reduced by 21.33% and 43.54%, respectively; the root-mean-square error are reduced by 12.87% and 35.08% respectively. The average absolute error rate of the proposed method are reduced by 40% compared with the method based on statistical correlation analysis, which illustrates that the repair precision of the proposed approach is more accurate and it is a kind of effective fault data repair approach.

Received: 16 July 2016      Published: 25 August 2017
CLC:  U491  
Cite this article:

WANG Wei, CHENG Ze-yang, LIU Meng-yi, YANG Zhao-sheng. Repair method for traffic flow fault data based on spatial-temporal correlation. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY (ENGINEERING SCIENCE), 2017, 51(9): 1727-1734.

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