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New spatial-coherent latent topic model based on super-pixel segmentation and scene classification method
WANG Li-jun, HUANG Zhong-chao, ZHAO Yu-qian
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China
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A new spatial-coherent latent topic model using super-pixel segmentation (SP-SLTM) principles and the corresponding method of scene classification were proposed based on typical latent dirichlet allocation (LDA) model. A category constraint mechanism was introduced at the process of modeling topic space. Namely, each scene was restricted to its corresponding class topic simplex, making it easier to deduce  model parameter. Secondly, each image region was further segmented into super-pixels at the generative process of “bags of visual word”. Then, color and texture features of each super-pixel were extracted to form the mixed feature expression of  super-pixels. Advantages of the above methods include two aspects. On the one hand, three kinds of visual words are generated for each image region with the extracted SIFT feature of each image patch, which makes up deficiency caused by  traditional methods using single visual feature. On the other hand, all the visual words in one region belongs to  same topic simplex, enhancing the spatial consistency among the visual words. Compare the results of UIUC-sport database with that of four traditional methods,including  SP-SLTM, CTS-LDA, Spatial-LTM and pLSA,respectively. The results showed that the SP-SLTM model achieved higher classification accuracy than those traditional models.

Published: 28 August 2015
CLC:  TP 18/TP 242.62  
Cite this article:

WANG Li-jun, HUANG Zhong-chao, ZHAO Yu-qian. New spatial-coherent latent topic model based on super-pixel segmentation and scene classification method. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY (ENGINEERING SCIENCE), 2015, 49(3): 402-408.

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基于经典的LDA模型,提出新的结合超像素分割技术的空间相关主题模型SP-SLTM及相应的场景分类方法.在建模过程中引入类别约束机制,即给每类场景赋予各自的类主题空间,使模型参数的推导更加简便;在“视觉词包”的生成过程中,对图像区域进行进一步二次超像素分割;提取每个超像素的颜色和纹理特征,形成超像素的混合特征表示.上述方法的优点包括:加上从图像区块所提取的SIFT特征,共得到3种视觉词语,弥补传统方法中采用单一视觉特征描述整幅图像的不足;同一区域内的所有视觉词语共享一个主题,增加视觉词语间的空间相关性.分别将UIUC-Sport数据库的测试结果与CTS-LDA、Spatial-LTM、LDA与pLSA 4种传统方法的测试结果进行比较,结果表明:采用SP-SLTM模型可以比传统方法获得更高的场景分类准确率.

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