Suggestions for reinforcement increment in concrete floor slabs under different temperature and displacement boundary conditions |
XIAO Nan,YANG Feng-chun |
College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058,China |
Abstract In order to quantitatively determine the temperature effects on the bearing capacity and width of crack in slabs, on the basis of finite element method analyses of temperature field and stress field, two kinds of floor slabs with different temperature and various displacement constraint boundary conditions were analyzed employing ANSYS software. The results show that temperature stresses have greater impact on crack width than on bearing capacity in floor slab. After considering the temperature stress, the mechanical behaviors of slabs are transformed from pure bending to bending combined with axial tension, hence, reinforcements of floor slabs required for bearing capacity should be increased. Meanwhile, the temperature will also lead to the crack width broadening. In practice application, the floor slabs subjected to obvious temperature impacts can still be calculated as pure bending elements in order to simplify computation, however, whose reinforcements required for bearing capacity and crack width resisting are suggested to increase 15% and 25%, respectively, so as to safely counteract the temperature influences on the increment of reinforcement stress in floor slabs.
Published: 01 November 2014
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