Wind-tunnel test of wind loads on large cylindrical structures with very low aspect ratio |
ZHAO Yang1,2,LIN Yin1,YU Shi-ce1 |
1. College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Hangzhou 310058, China;
2. Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Space Structures, Hangzhou 310058, China |
Abstract Taking typical steel tanks in practice with volume of 100 000 m3 as research object, wind tunnel test on rigid scale models was carried out to obtain wind pressure distributions on both internal and external walls for large cylindrical structures with very low aspect ratio. It is shown that, wind pressures outside cylindrical wall exist obvious difference with those provided in related specifications, and wind pressures inside cylindrical wall fluctuate markedly. Results from correlation analysis of mean and fluctuating pressures indicate that, quasi-steady theory is only applicable to the windward region of external wall. The third and fourth moments of wind pressure time history data were calculated to investigate the non-Gaussian feature of wind pressures on large cylindrical structures. It is shown that the probability distribution of fluctuating wind pressure for most taps deviates from Gaussian distribution. The peak factors for estimating the maximum positive and negative wind pressures are given for ease of application in design. Comparison with earlier test results indicates that, wind loads on cylindrical structures vary with the aspect ratio, and the maximum negative mean pressure coefficient increases with the increase of the aspect ratio.
Published: 26 November 2014
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