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J4  2014, Vol. 48 Issue (3): 404-413    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2014.03.005
Iterative method of camera distortion calibration utilizing lines-imaging characteristics
XU Song1,SUN Xiu-xia1,HE Yan2
1. Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering College, Air Force Engineering University, Xi’an 710038, China;
2.College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
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A new method which can calibrate the image center and distort parameters of the non-metric camera was proposed, independent of a known imaging center which is fit for several different mono-parameter distortion models. This method is made up of following two parts. First, approximate calibration: the curves distorted from straight lines are closed by adding straight-line segments, and the area of those closed curves is computed. The approximate relationships between these areas with theirends and the distortion parameter with the center are elicited. Second, approaching by model reference: the approximate relationship is iteratively modified by the reference values of the curve areas and the undistorted end points, according to the distortion calibration, based on the endpoints of these curves and the current calibration. Thus, the distortion parameter and the center are iteratively approaching the real values. Simulations and real image tests show that this method can calibrate distortion exactly using only four imaging lines without known any cameras linear parameters, and convergent fast.

Published: 10 June 2018
CLC:  TP 391.4  
Cite this article:

XU Song,SUN Xiu-xia,HE Yan. Iterative method of camera distortion calibration utilizing lines-imaging characteristics. J4, 2014, 48(3): 404-413.

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