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J4  2013, Vol. 47 Issue (7): 1199-1204    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2013.07.010
Physics-based numerical simulation of human impacts on island soil erosion
RAN Qi-hua, LI Wei, LIANG Ning, XU Yue-ping
Institute of Hydrology and Water Resources, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China  
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A physics-based hydrologic-response and soil erosion numerical model – integrated hydrology model (InHM) was employed to simulate the variation of island soil erosion, taking Zhairuo island, Zhoushan, Zhejiang, as an example, under different land-use scenarios. The impacts of human activity on soil erosion were analyzed. Simulation results show that erosion is relatively serious, especially on the road, before the construction, and discharge of boundary outlet increases after construction due to the changes of surface condition. Little erosion was simulated at the road and the east-zone post-construction period because of the pavement. However, the increased runoff generated on the road will intensify erosion in the north-zone and the west-zone.  The responses of runoff and sediment are more significant under extreme storm condition. Because the vegetation covering rate is high and the construction is mostly concentrated on the low and flat terrain, the change of erosion will be generally minor although there will be important change on the west and north zones.

Published: 01 July 2013
CLC:  TV 121.7  
Cite this article:

RAN Qi-hua, LI Wei, LIANG Ning, XU Yue-ping. Physics-based numerical simulation of human impacts on island soil erosion. J4, 2013, 47(7): 1199-1204.

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