Robustness analysis of reticular shells based on H∞ theory |
ZHANG Cheng1, LI Zhi-an2, GAO Bo-qing1, Dong Shi-lin1 |
1. College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China;
2.Hangzhou Huadong Steel Construction Co.,Ltd, Hangzhou 311200, China |
Abstract In order to investigate the robustness of reticular shells, the robustness was quantitatively assessed by H∞ norm of system transfer function, based on H∞ robust control theory. Through parametric analysis, influences of geometric parameters and grid configurations on the robustness of single-layer reticular shells were analyzed. For the common Kiewitt shells, components importance indices were calculated by component removal method. Furthermore the critical path for robustness was obtained. Taking an engineering practice for example, the impact of different forms of supports to robustness was discussed. The results showed that robustness of a reticular shell is stronger when the span is smaller, or the rise-span ratio and member sections are larger. Robustness of Kiewitt shells is better than Schwedler shells. For periphery fixed Kiewitt shells, the radial components located on the shells diameters are the most important. Meanwhile, structural robustness would be decreased when reducing supports.
Published: 01 May 2013
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