Tracking algorithm of visible particles in transparent
liquid pharmaceutical |
XU Xue-mei, LI Li-xian, ZHANG Jian-yang, NI Lan, HUANG Zheng-yu, CAO Jian |
Department of Physics and Electronics, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China |
Abstract The tracking algorithm of visible particles in transparent liquid pharmaceutical was analyzed based on intelligent vision technology in order to realize the automatic quality testing in the production of liquid pharmaceutical and improve the speed and accuracy of quality inspection. The median filter was adopted to denoise the corresponding images. The second difference with the energy accumulation algorithm was used to detect particles. Then the flood fill method and real-time motion template were applied respectively to extract the morphological characteristics and the direction of movement about particles. The region-based tracking model was established based on the analysis of particles’ moving tracking. The selection principle of size and location of the search window was given. Different tracking strategy was adopted according to the differences of speed and direction in order to solve the tracking difficulties when particles disappear or overlap. Results show that the wrongtracking rate and the missingtracking rate of the improved regional matching algorithm is 0% and 2.5% respectively, and the tracking accuracy can reach 97.5%. The improved algorithm has a better real-time quality and the needs of real-time production can be satisfied.
Published: 01 October 2012
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