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J4  2012, Vol. 46 Issue (10): 1810-1815    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2012.10.012
Fast implementation of SAR image segmentation using
Markov random fields
LI Guang-ting1, 2, YU Wei-dong1
1. Department of Space Microwave Remote Sensing System, Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Beijing 100190, China; 2. Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
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A new image segmentation flow using Markov random fields (MRF) was proposed in order to solve the problem of the low computation efficiency with the general synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image segmentation using MRF. The method takes all the edge pixels of marking map in the whole image as operation objects. The false segmentation probability caused by only processing the edges of marking map was analyzed, and the application of proposed flow in diffusion MRF was also discussed. The analysis and experimental results of MSTAR image segmentation show that the method can greatly shorten the calculation time of the general implementation without loss of segmentation precision, and can obtain better segmentation results by combining with other advanced techniques.

Published: 01 October 2012
CLC:  TN 957.5  
Cite this article:

LI Guang-ting, YU Wei-dong. Fast implementation of SAR image segmentation using
Markov random fields. J4, 2012, 46(10): 1810-1815.

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