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J4  2012, Vol. 46 Issue (8): 1450-1456    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2012.08.015
Study on heat transfer model of underground heat exchangers
with groundwater advection
WANG Zi-yang1, ZHANG Yi-ping1, ZHAN Guo-hui2, YU Ya-nan1
1.Department of Civil Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China;
2.Transport Planning and Research Institute, Ministry of Transport;Beijing 100028, China
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In order to study the influence of groundwater advection on performance of underground heat exchangers, based on the Green’s function of moving heat source and by introducing a virtual heat sink, a finite line-source model under coupled thermal conduction and groundwater advection conditions was established through the superposition principle .Comparisons with the infinite linesource model with groundwater advection and the finite line-source model without groundwater advection indicate that the developed model is more appropriate to calculate heat transfer of underground heat exchangers with groundwater advection. The influence of groundwater flow velocity and soil thermal properties on heat transfer was analyzed. The analysis result shows that groundwater advection causes the deformation of the soil temperature field, and the greater the advection velocity is, the faster the midpoint temperature of borehole wall reaches steady state, and the lower the steady-state temperature is. It is also indicated that the soil temperature field will get larger deformation accordingly as the density and specific heat of the soil increase or its thermal conductivity decreases.

Published: 23 September 2012
CLC:  TU 111  
Cite this article:

WANG Zi-yang, ZHANG Yi-ping, ZHAN Guo-hui, YU Ya-nan. Study on heat transfer model of underground heat exchangers
with groundwater advection. J4, 2012, 46(8): 1450-1456.

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