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J4  2012, Vol. 46 Issue (2): 351-358    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2012.02.027
Selection of filtering frequencies for neuronal spike signals
FENG Zhou-yan, WANG Jing, WANG Yang, ZHENG Xiao-jing
College of Biomedical Engineering and Instrumentation Science, Key Laboratory of Biomedical Engineering of
Ministry of Education, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
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In order to determine the proper filtering frequency ranges for accurately recording and analyzing the extracellular neuron unit action potential (i.e., spike), changes in spike waveform distortion, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and accuracy of spike classification under different lower and higher cutoff frequencies were investigated. The spike signals were recorded from rat hippocampal regions by microelectrode arrays. The results show that with lower cut-off frequency≤100 Hz and higher cutoff frequency≥5 kHz, the spike waveform distortions caused by filtering are small. The optimized higher cut-off frequency ranges for spike detection and spike classification are both at 3~5 kHz. However, the optimized lower cutoff frequency for spike detection is 500 ~ 600 Hz, whereas for spike classification the frequency is about 200 Hz. The reason is that the accuracy of spike classifications depends on both the SNR and the waveform distortion.

Published: 20 March 2012
CLC:  TP 274  
  R 318  
Cite this article:

FENG Zhou-yan, WANG Jing, WANG Yang, ZHENG Xiao-jing. Selection of filtering frequencies for neuronal spike signals. J4, 2012, 46(2): 351-358.

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为了在记录和分析细胞外神经元单元动作电位(即锋电位)时能够正确选择滤波频率范围,分析了不同下限和上限截止频率时锋电位的波形失真、信噪比以及分类正确率的变化过程. 锋电位信号是利用微电极阵列采集的大鼠海马区神经元信号. 结果表明,下限截止频率小于100 Hz且上限截止频率大于5 000 Hz时,滤波造成的锋电位波形失真较小. 对于锋电位的检出和分类这2种数据处理,它们的上限截止频率最佳范围一致,为3~5 kHz. 但是,对于下限截止频率,锋电位检出的最佳频率为500~600 Hz,而锋电位分类的最佳频率却在200 Hz左右,这是由于锋电位分类的正确率与信噪比和波形的失真都相关.

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