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J4  2012, Vol. 46 Issue (2): 250-256    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2012.02.011
Approximately determining preloading duration considering creep
HU Ya-yuan
Key Laboratory of Soft soils and Geoenviromental Engineering of Ministry of Education, Geotechnical institute,
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310058,China
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As the secondary consolidation settlement was not taken into account in classical preloading theory and the flaw sometimes happened that the critical consolidation degree was bigger than 100% considering secondary consolidation settlement in Johnson’s method, an approximate formula of preloading duration under a single-stage sudden loading was proposed. During the derivation of this approximate formula, Bjerrum’s equal-time creep diagram and Yin-Graham equivalent-time rheological model are used and Zeng Guo-xi’s approximate formula of consolidation degree is employed. So the approximate formula can be able to avoid the flaw of Johnson’s method, and analyze the effects of soft subsoil’s consolidation coefficient, creep coefficient, swelling index, surcharge pressure ratio, allowable post-construction settlement and preconsolidation time on preloading duration. Research results show that when surcharge pressure ratio is relatively smaller, preloading duration decays with the power growth of surcharge pressure ratio. An increase in surcharge pressure ratio can obviously make preloading duration short. When surcharge pressure ratio become bigger, preloading duration slowly decays with the growth of surcharge pressure ratio. An increase in surcharge pressure ratio can only make preloading duration a little decrease.

Published: 20 March 2012
CLC:  TD 853.34  
  TU 411.3  
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HU Ya-yuan. Approximately determining preloading duration considering creep. J4, 2012, 46(2): 250-256.

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