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J4  2012, Vol. 46 Issue (2): 206-211    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2012.02.004
Design of moving-magnet transverse-flux linear oscillatory motor
YU Ming-hu, ZHANG Yu-qiu, LU Qin-fen, YE Yun-yue
College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027,China
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A novel moving-magnet transverse flux linear oscillatory motor was presented to achieve the high stability for the short reciprocating movement. This motor driven by single-phase power source has easily stacked stator iron similar to rotary motor and the characteristics of compact configuration, light weight of mover, simple manufacture process and high thrust force. It is suitable to be applied in artificial heart, compressor and pump. Based on erected equivalent mathematical model according to the operation principle, the formulas of electromagnetic thrust force and system harmonic frequency were deduced. The design criterions of outer stator, inner stator and permanent magnet were determined by 3D finite element model. By the proposed test method, the static thrust force and harmonic system frequency of prototype were measured. It is shown the motor can achieve high efficiency at the resonant frequency and the thrust force is proportional to current.

Published: 20 March 2012
CLC:  TM 359.4  
Cite this article:

YU Ming-hu, ZHANG Yu-qiu, LU Qin-fen, YE Yun-yue. Design of moving-magnet transverse-flux linear oscillatory motor. J4, 2012, 46(2): 206-211.

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