Effect of rapid thermal process on oxygen precipitates behavior in silicon irradiated by high energy particles |
CHEN Gui-feng, MA Xiao-wei, WU Jian-hai, MA Qiao-yun, XUE Jing-jing, HAO Qiu-yan |
Key Lab. for new type of functional materials in Hebei Province, School of Material Science and Engineering, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300130, China |
Abstract The oxygen precipitation behavior has been investigated in nitrogen-doped Czochralski silicon (NCZ-Si) irradiated by fastneutron and Czochralski silicon (CZ-Si) irradiated by electron after Rapid Thermal Process (RTP). The samples irradiated by fast-neutron or electron with different dose were treated by post-annealing after RTP pre-annealing at different temperature, cooling rate and ambient. It is found that the RTP process conduces to the denuded zone (DZ) form during the post-annealing treatment in fast-neutron irradiated NCZ-Si wafer. Furthermore, the DZ is getting wider with increasing RTP temperature. On the contrary, the DZ narrowed at high cooling rate. For another thing, the RTP process under N2 ambient in electron irradiated CZ-Si wafer is easy to form the oxygen precipitates and lead to higher density bulk microdefects (BMDS).
Published: 24 November 2011
研究快速热处理对快中子辐照掺氮直拉硅(NCZ-Si )和电子辐照直拉硅(CZ-Si)中氧沉淀和清洁区(DZ )的影响.样品经过不同温度、降温速率和退火气氛快速热处理(RTP)预处理后,再进行高温一步长时间退火,以形成氧沉淀.研究结果表明:对于快中子辐照NCZ-Si,RTP有助于后期退火中DZ的生成,且RTP温度越高,形成的DZ越宽;而高的降温速率会使得DZ宽度变窄;对于电子辐照CZ-Si,在N2气氛下高温RTP更能促进氧沉淀形成,体缺陷(bulk micro defects,BMDS)密度较大.
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