Perturbation method for distributed privacy-preserving data mining |
MA Jin, LI Feng, LI Jian-hua |
(Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200030, China) |
Abstract Distributed anonymous statistic mean and distributed anonymous statistic variance methods were proposed through designing randomized data separation method. A light-weight randomized data exchange protocol was proposed with homomorphic encryption mechanism to apply anonymous data exchange in distributed environment. Then a distributed anonymous data exchanging method was presented for perturbation-based privacy preserving data mining aiming at the efficiency issue towards distributed privacy preserving data mining. The experimental results and analysis show that the method is robust under high-density collusion attacks and shows more efficiency in large scale distribution environment compared with secure multiparty related methods. Furthermore, the method is flexible to apply in various types of data mining works, such as distributed associate rule mining and clustering.
Published: 09 March 2010
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