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浙江大学学报(工学版)  2018, Vol. 52 Issue (4): 735-743    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2018.04.017
武亚军1, 顾赛帅1, 强小兵2, 黄伟钧2, 卢立海2, 骆嘉成2
1. 上海大学 土木工程系, 上海 200072;
2. 温州浙南地质工程有限公司, 浙江 温州 325006
Experimental study on ultra-soft soil reinforced by vacuum preloading with flocculation based on skeleton construction
WU Ya-jun1, GU Sai-shuai1, QIANG Xiao-bing2, HUANG Wei-jun2, LU Li-hai2, LUO Jia-cheng2
1. Department of Civil Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200072, China;
2. Wenzhou Zhenan Geology Engineering Limited Company, Wenzhou 325006, China
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The tests were conducted by adding different chemicals and vacuum preloading aiming at the ultra-soft soil in a project in Wenzhou. The vacuum degree, drainage rate and moisture content were tested. Then the high feasibility of the agent was selected to conduct the model pool field test. The effects of different agents on the particle size and permeability of soil particles were analyzed. 1) In the model test, it is possible to obtain a better effect on the treatment of waste slurry by curing agent or flocculant+curing agent combined with vacuum preloading. 2) The addition of curing agent can quickly change the limit water content and compressive properties of the soil. The skeleton structure can be formed by the cementation force, thus increasing the permeability, and the moisture content of the vacuum drainage stage can be reduced by 120%. 3) Flocculant uses long chain bridging adsorption of soil particles to form a chain like body and obtain good effect of flocculation dewatering. In the process of sedimentation, water mass fraction decreases 80%. Under vacuum load, the permeability is low and the drainage rate is slow. The combination of flocculant and curing agent not only can get good flocculation effect, but also has good permeability in the vacuum preloading stage due to the structure of the curing agent. Results show that the vacuum preloading method based on skeleton builders is very effective in the treatment of super soft soil.

收稿日期: 2017-01-15
CLC:  TU472  


作者简介: 武亚军(1973-),男,副教授,从事岩土工程中软地基处理、废浆处理、地下工程等研究
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武亚军, 顾赛帅, 强小兵, 黄伟钧, 卢立海, 骆嘉成. 基于骨架构建药剂真空预压法加固超软土试验[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2018, 52(4): 735-743.

WU Ya-jun, GU Sai-shuai, QIANG Xiao-bing, HUANG Wei-jun, LU Li-hai, LUO Jia-cheng. Experimental study on ultra-soft soil reinforced by vacuum preloading with flocculation based on skeleton construction. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY (ENGINEERING SCIENCE), 2018, 52(4): 735-743.


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