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吴晨曦, 张旻, 王可人
解放军电子工程学院,安徽 合肥 230037
Broadband underdetermined direction of arrival estimation based on two level nested array
WU Chen-xi, ZHANG Min, WANG Ke-ren
Electronic Engineering Institute of PLA, Hefei, 230037, China
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A novel broadband direction of arrival (DOA) estimation algorithm based on two level nested array was proposed to achieve broadband underdetermined DOA estimation. The dimension of the array received data was reduced by using spatial frequencies. Spatial frequencies continuous sparse recovery model was constructed by using the spatial sparseness of the spatial frequency. The high resolution estimation of spatial frequencies was achieved with primal dual approach and root finding. The frequency domain covariance matrix was constructed.The spatial frequencies and frequencies were matched by using the sparse recovery of the sum of larger eigenvectors, which are coming from the frequency domain covariance matrix’s eigen value decomposition(ED).Then DOA estimation can be obtained.Results show that the number of sources by the proposed algorithm is larger than the number of actual sensors. Off-grid effects caused by discretizing this range onto a grid in traditional sparse recovery can be neglected, thus improving precision and resolution of DOA estimation.

出版日期: 2017-05-01
CLC:  TN 911.23  


作者简介: 吴晨曦(1988—),男,博士生,从事阵列信号处理方面等研究. ORCID: 0000-0003-4960-4932.
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WU Chen-xi, ZHANG Min, WANG Ke-ren. Broadband underdetermined direction of arrival estimation based on two level nested array. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY (ENGINEERING SCIENCE), 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2017.05.023.

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