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J4  2010, Vol. 44 Issue (5): 881-886    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2010.05.008
熊伟, 王晓暾
浙江大学 管理学院,浙江 杭州 310058
Method for mapping software dependability requirements
based on quality function deployment
XIONG Wei, WANG Xiao-tun
School of Management, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China
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Aiming at the dependability requirements to architecture mapping in software engineering, a requirements mapping method based on quality function deployment (QFD) was proposed to assure and improve the software dependability. The dependability requirements were deployed into the entire development process by combining with the quantitative analysis of dependability requirements using quantification method of type 3 (QM3) and the house of quality (HOQ). And the requirements can be correctly and consistently fulfilled in the software development process by tracing and controlling the requirements using HOQ. A case study of a financial software development was used to illustrate the method. Results show that the method can effectively enhance the dependability of software system and assure the software quality.

出版日期: 2012-03-19
:  TP 311  


作者简介: 熊伟(1963—),男,江苏常州人,教授,博导,从事软件工程、质量管理等研究.E-mail:
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熊伟, 王晓暾. 基于质量功能展开的可信软件需求映射方法[J]. J4, 2010, 44(5): 881-886.

XIONG Wei, WANG Xiao-Tun. Method for mapping software dependability requirements
based on quality function deployment. J4, 2010, 44(5): 881-886.


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