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浙江大学学报(工学版)  2019, Vol. 53 Issue (2): 315-324    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2019.02.015
1. 浙江大学 海洋学院,浙江 舟山 316021
2. 浙江省海洋岩土工程与材料重点实验室,浙江 杭州 310058
3. 中国气象局 上海台风研究所,上海 200030
4. 上海海洋气象台,上海 200030
Numerical simulation of three-dimensional characteristics of tidal current and residual current in Yangshan Harbor
Yan-ling TANG1(),Lu-di XU1,Zhi-guo HE1,2,*(),Bao-de CHEN3,Jie XU4,Li LI1,2
1. Ocean College, Zhejiang University, Zhoushan 316012, China
2. Key Laboratory of Marine Geotechnical Engineering and Materials of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou 310058, China
3. Shanghai Typhoon Research Institute, China Meteorology Administration, Shanghai 200030, China
4. Shanghai Marine Meteorological Observatory, Shanghai 200030, China
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基于最新的水下地形数据和非结构网格,利用有限体积海洋模型(FVCOM),建立洋山海域高分辨率水动力数值模型,研究该海域建港工程后潮流和余流的三维动力学特征. 结果表明,峡道西部涨潮流大于落潮流,东部相反. 南岛链以南海域流速均大于北岛链以北流速,峡道窄口处出现高流速区和环流现象,涨潮流表层最大流速可达2.88 m/s. 涨憩时刻,南岛链南岸和北岛链北岸都形成表层向北、底层向南的表-底层环流,落憩时刻相反. 落急时,深水航道处出现表层向南、底层向北的表-底层环流. 受围海造地工程后地形影响,峡道内M2分潮潮流椭圆主轴均沿岸线方向. 与工程前相比,峡道效应增强. 洋山海域整体以海向余流占优,但峡道内形成陆向余流. 峡道窄口处存在余流分离现象,峡道西部余流滞流点东移.

关键词: 洋山港潮流余流非结构网格有限体积海洋模型    

The finite-volume community ocean model (FVCOM) was used to establish a high-resolution numerical model based on the latest bathymetry data and unstructured mesh. The three-dimensional characteristics of the tidal current and residual current in Yangshan Harbor after the construction of the harbor were studied. Model results indicated that the speed of flood tide was faster than that of the ebb tide in the west of the narrow, and the performance of the east was opposite. The speed in the south of the islands was higher than that in the north. High velocity region and circulation phenomenon appeared at the narrow entrance of the tidal channel, and the peak speed reached 2.88 m/s at the surface level during flood tide. In the north and south areas of the islands, eddies were formed during the flood slack tide, with the northward current at surface and southward current at bottom. And the direction was opposite during ebb slack tide. A circulation existed with the southward current at surface and northward current at bottom during ebb tide at the deep-water channel. The directions of the M2 tidal ellipses were controlled by the coastlines under the influence of the project. The tidal choking effect increased after the construction of the harbor. The residual current was dominated by seaward in Yangshan Harbor sea area, but landward residual current existed in the channel. Separation of residual current appeared at the narrow entrance of the tidal channel. The stagnation point moved eastward.

Key words: Yangshan Harbor    tidal current    residual current    unstructured mesh    finite-volume community ocean model (FVCOM)
收稿日期: 2017-09-20 出版日期: 2019-02-21
CLC:  P 751  
通讯作者: 贺治国     E-mail:;
作者简介: 唐燕玲(1992—),女,硕士生,从事海洋数值模拟研究. E- mail:
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唐燕玲,徐卢笛,贺治国,陈葆德,徐杰,李莉. 洋山海域三维潮流和余流特征的数值模拟[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2019, 53(2): 315-324.

Yan-ling TANG,Lu-di XU,Zhi-guo HE,Bao-de CHEN,Jie XU,Li LI. Numerical simulation of three-dimensional characteristics of tidal current and residual current in Yangshan Harbor. Journal of ZheJiang University (Engineering Science), 2019, 53(2): 315-324.


图 1  模型计算域位置、网格及地形示意图
图 2  洋山港、马迹山潮位以及海礁浮标、口外浮标流速与流向验证结果
图 3  洋山局部海域大潮时期各时刻表层流场图(红色圆圈代表各时刻环流位置)
图 4  P1至P4断面大潮期间涨落急流速大小垂向剖面
图 5  大潮期间P5断面平行断面涨落急流速剖面(黑线表示流速为0的等值线)
图 6  P6断面大潮期间平行与垂直断面的流速剖面(黑线表示流速为0的等值线)
图 7  洋山海域潮流椭圆图(红色代表表层,蓝色代表中间层,绿色代表底层)
图 8  M2分潮潮流椭圆长轴、短轴、最大流速方向及椭圆率垂向分布示意图
图 9  欧拉余流场分布示意图(红色矩形、圆形、三角形分别代表滞流点、分离点、环流位置)
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