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刘统, 龚国芳, 彭左, 吴伟强, 彭雄斌
浙江大学 流体动力与机电系统国家重点实验室, 浙江 杭州 310027
Hybrid cutterhead driving system for TBM based on hydraulic transformer
LIU Tong, GONG Guo fang, PENG Zuo, WU Wei qiang, PENG Xiong bin
State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power Transmission and Control, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
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针对全断面硬岩隧道掘进机(TBM)电机驱动系统脱困扭矩不足、欠负载工作效率低等问题, 提出基于液压变压器(HT)的二次调节系统协同变频电机的刀盘混合驱动方案. 通过分析液压变压器的工作原理并建立数学模型, 基于直径为2.5 m TBM实验台的性能要求, 在AMEsim软件平台上搭建液压变压器超级元件模型并进行二次调节系统的性能验证. 采用插值查表法反算控制角度实时控制变压器在蓄能器充放时的输入输出压力稳定, 引入变比例系数PID闭环控制提高压力控制精度. 仿真结果表明:通过调节液压变压器的变压比能实现二次调节泵/马达对蓄能器的精确低压充能和高压释放,压力控制误差小于2%,典型工况下刀盘驱动系统效率可提高4.99%.


A hybrid driving system combing frequency conversion motor and hydraulic transformer (HT) based secondary regulation system was proposed to improve the performance of a hard rock tunnel boring machine (TBM) cutterhead electric motor driving system, aiming to solve the problem of inadequate driving capability when cutterhead getting stuck and inefficiency under low load ratios. The mathematical model of HT was established according to structure, pressure and flow rate analysis. Considering the requirement of the TBM test bed, the HT super component model was found in AMEsim and the function of secondary regulation system at both working quadrant was confirmed subsequently. The subsection linear regression method was applied to obtain constant input or output pressure of HT while the accumulator got charged or released. Closed loop control under variable proportional parameter PID strategy was introduced to improve the accuracy of pressure regulation. The results show that HT can get accumulator constant low pressure charged and high pressure released by secondary regulation pump motor with pressure error under 2%, and the efficiency of the cutterhead driving system in classical work condition is improved by 4.99%.

出版日期: 2016-09-18
:  TH 137  

 国家“863”高技术研究发展计划资助项目(2012AA041803); 国家“973”重点基础研究发展规划资助项目(2013CB035400).

通讯作者: 龚国芳,男,教授. ORCID:0000 0001 9553 8783.     E-mail:
作者简介: 刘统(1993-),男,博士生,从事隧道掘进装备电液控制技术研究. ORCID:0000 0002 1889 1062.
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刘统, 龚国芳, 彭左, 吴伟强, 彭雄斌. 基于液压变压器的TBM刀盘混合驱动系统[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2016.03.004.

LIU Tong, GONG Guo fang, PENG Zuo, WU Wei qiang, PENG Xiong bin. Hybrid cutterhead driving system for TBM based on hydraulic transformer. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY (ENGINEERING SCIENCE), 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2016.03.004.


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