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浙江工业大学 特种装备制造与先进加工技术教育部/浙江省重点实验室,浙江 杭州 310014
Derating characteristics of metal cold extrusion with function of chattering
WANG Zhi-heng,YANG Qing-hua,HU Xin-hua,RUAN Jian
Key Laboratory of E&M Zhejiang University of Technology, Ministry of Education & Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou 310014, China
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分析颤振激励下金属冷挤压成形过程中利用“有效摩擦力”降低材料变形抗力的成形机理,对比凹模固定以及凹模在不同参数颤振激励下的有限元仿真结果.仿真实验表明:颤振激励能够降低坯料成形过程中的平均行程载荷;颤振频率及幅值越大,平均行程载荷降低越多, 提出颤振平台的机构,并分析工作原理.选用6061铝材作为冷挤压的坯料,完成凹模固定及凹模颤振激励下的反挤压的实验研究.分析坯料在实际反挤压过程中行程载荷的特点,实验结果表明:凹模引入颤振激励后,挤压过程中的稳定行程载荷明显降低;当凹模颤振频率为100 Hz,幅值为0.012 mm时,稳定行程载荷降低约6%;当凹模颤振频率为200 Hz,幅值为0.012 mm时,稳定行程载荷降低约7.5%.


The principle which uses “effective friction” to reduce metal deformation resistance under the high-frequency chattering was analyzed. The simulation results of the fixed lower die and lower die in the flutter excitation with the different parameters were compared. Simulation results show that: flutter excitation can reduce the average stroke load for three kinds of extrusion methods; the greater the frequency and amplitude, the smaller the average stroke load, and vice versa. The structure and work principle of chattering platform which is driven by 2D valve were developed.The blank material is 6061 aluminum. Experiments of backward extrusion were carried out under different conditions. Load-stroke curves of backward extrusion were discussed. The experimental results of backward extrusion show that: Stroke load is significantly reduced after the lower die chattering; when the frequency is 100 Hz and amplitude is 0.012 mm, the steady stroke load is reduced by about 6%; when the frequency is 200 Hz and amplitude is 0.012 mm, the steady stroke load is reduced by about 7.5%.

出版日期: 2014-11-01
:  TM 762  


作者简介: 王志怛(1983-),男,博士,从事机电一体化金属冷挤压技术研究
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王志恒,杨庆华,胡新华,阮健. 颤振激励下金属冷挤压成形降载特性[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2014.11.011.

WANG Zhi-heng,YANG Qing-hua,HU Xin-hua,RUAN Jian. Derating characteristics of metal cold extrusion with function of chattering. JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY (ENGINEERING SCIENCE), 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2014.11.011.


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