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J4  2013, Vol. 47 Issue (6): 1043-1050    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2013.06.016
徐兵1, 宋月超1,2, 杨华勇1
1. 浙江大学 流体动力及机电系统国家重点实验室,浙江 杭州 310027; 2. 广州计量检测技术研究院 科技发展部, 广东 广州 510000
Optimization of swash-plate cross angle noise-reduction structure for swash-plate-type axial piston pump
XU Bing1, SONG Yue-chao1,2, YANG Hua-yong1
1. State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power and Mechatronic System, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China| 2. Department of Science and Technology Development, Guangzhou Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology, Guangzhou 510000, China
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为了使斜盘式轴向柱塞泵的流体噪声在各种工况下都能够得到降低,研究并优化了一种柱塞泵斜盘交错角新型降噪结构.柱塞泵斜盘交错角是斜盘绕与斜盘倾角轴和主轴同时垂直的轴旋转形成的角度.交错角不同,柱塞在配流盘过渡区压缩量就不同,从而影响柱塞泵出口流量脉动和流体噪声.基于斜盘交错角降噪原理,建立带斜盘交错角的柱塞泵流量脉动模型,仿真分析了不同斜盘旋转角度对柱塞泵流量脉动的影响,结果表明:交错角旋转角度大于1°,柱塞泵流量脉动上、下峰值降低|旋转角度小于-1°,柱塞泵流量脉动上、下峰值升高|交错角旋转1°可以得到较好的降噪效果,并能在全压力范围内降低柱塞泵流量脉动,转速小于1 000 r/min时可以明显降低柱塞泵流量脉动.仿真模型的有效性通过“二次源法”得到了证实.


In order to reduce the fluid-born noise of swash-plate-type axial piston pump in a large scale of operating conditions,the optimization of a novel noise-reduction structure, i.e., the swash-plate cross angle, was investigated. The swash-plate cross angle is attained by rotating the swash plate around the axis, which is simultaneously perpendicular to the axis of the driving shaft and the axis for the swash plate angle. With different cross angle, the pre-compression of the piston is different and thereby the flow rate and the fluid-born noise of the pump are changed. The working principle of the swash-plate cross angle noise-reduction structure was analyzed firstly, and then the corresponding simulation model was built and solved. Simulation shows that the flow ripple peak values decrease when the cross angle is more than 1°, while the values increase when the cross angle is less than -1 °. The flow ripple is decreased in all scale of pump delivery pressure when introducing the swash-plate cross angle with 1°. The flow ripple is the minimum when the swash-plate cross angle is 1°, especially the flow ripple can be decreased significantly when the pump speed is less than 1 000 r/min. The simulation model is validated by the test results obtained from the secondary source method.

出版日期: 2013-11-22
:  TH 137.5  


作者简介: 徐兵(1971—),男,教授,博导.主要从事流体传动及控制和机械电子工程领域的研究.E-mail:
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徐兵, 宋月超, 杨华勇. 柱塞泵斜盘交错角降噪结构优化[J]. J4, 2013, 47(6): 1043-1050.

XU Bing, SONG Yue-chao, YANG Hua-yong. Optimization of swash-plate cross angle noise-reduction structure for swash-plate-type axial piston pump. J4, 2013, 47(6): 1043-1050.


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