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J4  2013, Vol. 47 Issue (5): 796-802    DOI: 10.3785/j.issn.1008-973X.2013.05.009
1.浙江大学 岩土工程研究所,浙江 杭州 310058;2.软弱土与环境土工教育部重点实验室,浙江 杭州 310058;
3.浙江省电力设计院,浙江 杭州 310012   
Control standard of differential settlement in high-speed railway slab based on bending fatigue strength 
CHEN Ren-peng1,2, WANG Zuo-zhou3, JIANG Hong-guang1,2, BIAN Xue-cheng1,2
1. Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, Hangzhou 310058, China|2. MOE Key Laboratory of Soft Soils and
Geoenvironmental Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China|Zhejiang Electric Power
Design Institute, Hangzhou 310012, China           
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为了研究高速铁路无砟轨道路基不均匀沉降对轨道板受力的影响及基于轨道板疲劳强度的不均匀沉降控制标准.以京沪高铁工程为背景,建立20、30、40、50、75、100 m等不同弦长以及0到100 mm不同沉降幅值的余弦式不均匀沉降分析模型,研究轨道板上的弯矩分布规律,比较分析沉降曲线始端截面与中间截面的弯矩规律.基于轨道板混凝土疲劳强度史密斯设计图,确定轨道板的动力疲劳强度允许值,并基于轨道板抗弯疲劳强度提出高铁路基中长波不均匀沉降的控制准则.


The long-wave differential settlement in high-speed railway slab has a great influence on the long-term durability of concrete slab. The differential settlement control standard is strongly needed for preventing the cracks of concrete slab. The effects of the differential settlement of subgrade on the moment and vibration of the slab under the vehicle loads were numerical studied.  The differential settlement of subgrade with different settlement chord and amplitude was assumed to be cosine shape.  The moments and vibration of the slab at different positions were studied. The allowable tensile strength of the slab considering the tensile stress caused by the moment was determined based on the fatigue strength of the slab. A control standard of the medium to long wave of the differential settlement of the subgrade was presented.

出版日期: 2013-05-01
:  U 213  


作者简介: 陈仁朋(1972-),男,教授,主要从事土与结构相互作用及交通岩土工程方面的教学与研究
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陈仁朋,王作洲,蒋红光,边学成. 基于轨道板抗弯疲劳强度的不均匀沉降控制[J]. J4, 2013, 47(5): 796-802.

CHEN Ren-peng, WANG Zuo-zhou, JIANG Hong-guang, BIAN Xue-cheng. Control standard of differential settlement in high-speed railway slab based on bending fatigue strength . J4, 2013, 47(5): 796-802.


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