计算机技术 |
基于CQPM的OLAP查询日志挖掘及推荐 |
殷婷1,肖敏1,陈岭1,赵江奇2,王敬昌2 |
1.浙江大学 计算机科学与技术学院, 浙江 杭州 310027;2.浙江鸿程计算机系统有限公司, 浙江 杭州 310009 |
CQPM based OLAP query log mining and recommendation |
YIN Ting1, XIAO Min1, CHEN Ling1, ZHAO Jiang-qi2, WANG Jing-chang2 |
1.College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China;
2.Zhejiang Hongcheng Computer Systems Company Limited, Hangzhou 310009, China |
殷婷,肖敏,陈岭,赵江奇,王敬昌. 基于CQPM的OLAP查询日志挖掘及推荐[J]. J4, 2012, 46(11): 2052-2060.
YIN Ting, XIAO Min, CHEN Ling, ZHAO Jiang-qi, WANG Jing-chang. CQPM based OLAP query log mining and recommendation. J4, 2012, 46(11): 2052-2060.
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